
Word center text on page vertical
Word center text on page vertical

To see the horizontal and vertical rulers, go to View > Show ruler. In the Page Setup dialog box, under the Layout tab, please choose Center from the Vertical alignment drop down list, and then select Selected text in the Apply to drop down, see screenshot:Ĥ. You would need to use the vertical ruler in Docs to manually eyeball where the center of the text would be on the page and adjust the spacing above/below the text as needed. In the Page section, click the Vertical Alignment dropdown and choose Center. To center a page in Word 2003, do the following: From anywhere on the page, choose Page Setup from the File menu. Then, click Layout > Page Setup icon in the Page Setup group, see screenshot:ģ. You might use blank lines to position the text or table because you dont know any other way. Select the text content that you want to center, and then click Center icon under the Home tab in Paragraph group, see screenshot:Ģ. To put the text content on the middle of the page, please do as this:ġ.

#Word center text on page vertical how to

This article, I will talk about how to solve this task in a Word document.Ĭenter the text content vertically and horizontally in Word document

word center text on page vertical word center text on page vertical

Select the text that you want to center, and then click Paragraph on the Format menu. Select the text that you want to center, and then click the Centered button on the Formatting toolbar. But, sometime, you need to center the text content horizontally and vertically on the page when you are making a cover of your paper. Go to Page Layout/Page Setup/Vertical Alignment, and change it to 'Center'. In a Word document, it is easy for you to put the text string on center horizontally.

word center text on page vertical

How to center the text vertically in Word document?

Word center text on page vertical